UNIPRO Desk System Achieves Mass Industry Appeal

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UNISET has collaborated with fellow Rochester N.Y. based and internationally known Paley Incorporated on the development of its new state of the art UNI-PRO News/Interview Desk System. By combining the design and fabrication strengths of these two firms coupled with UNISET’s keen knowledge and experience of television studio infrastructure and programming needs, the UNI-PRO Desk System is a cutting-edge desk with several elements that can be customized to an owner’s exacting needs. 

UNIPRO Desk #7 Top (D top)

Achieving up to seven (7) different and unique desktop/talent configurations while utilizing the same desk components, the desk front panel also offers multiple show/program identities by utilizing a chroma key front, a monitor mount capable of accommodating up to a 43” monitor with a picture frame black insert, and a solid black front to adhere a logo or emblem. Consistent with UNI

SET’s versatile and modular approach to achieving multiple shows and program identities with the same set elements, all unused UNI-PRO Desk components store offset on custom carts for ease of movement and organization.