News Desk Systems
Looking for some inspiration for a beautiful fresh news desk or broadcast desk for your studio? Or maybe you are in need of a video editing desk. Look no further, we have your solution. And if you don’t see what you are looking for, we can custom build it for you!
Things to think about when researching what news desk you want:
- Knowing exact measurements of the entire room you are working in and the area you want the desk to fit in
- Do you have storage for additional desk pieces?
- What sort of desk are you looking for? A desk to shoot or a desk for editing that won’t ever be on video?
- How many talents will be sitting at the news desk at a single time?
- Will this number change? If so, how often?
- Any safety regulations/restrictions/code your organization may have or have to abide by
- Do you want a fixed/permanent broadcast desk?
- What about height? Do you want it to be at the standard 30″ H, or 42″H bistro height?
- Do you want the heights to be interchangeable?
- Or do you want a modular/flexible anchor desk?
- Is the ability to have a monitor, logo or green screen insert on the front of the news desk important?
- Do you want a desk that is light and moveable or a broadcast desk that is on wheels?
- Is it more important to change the desk look for the number of talents or is it more important to change the style and physical look of the desk from show to show?
- How much money do you have to spend
- The timeline you have to work with
With these basic questions in mind and details on your studio space, the next steps are to determine what’s most important – design, size or modularity. If you have an idea of what you want that is fantastic! You are one of the few, as most people really don’t know what they want when it comes to their talk show background or tv studio’s brand. And that is okay!
What I would do next if I were you:
- Check out our news desk option below, even if you want a fixed desk, check out our modular desks and vice-versa. Save and take note of the photos or renderings you both like and don’t like.
- Next, I would recommend watching some youtube channels and researching the shows you enjoy watching and respect. Take screenshots, save photos and clips of the sets you like AND don’t like. If you don’t know what you want, knowing what you DON’T want is equally as important. With all this information, our team will be able to help you design your perfect set. Give us a call now at 585-544-3820 to talk to one of our capable and awesome team members.
News Desk Recommendations
Fixed Broadcast Desk: Custom Desk or NUNS Desk System
Modular/Versatile and flexible News Desks for changing # of talent: UNIPRO or NUNS Desk System
Modular/Versatile and flexible News Desk for changing looks of the desk: Transition Panel Desk System
Editing Desks: Pro-Edit Desk Line
As you take a look at your options keep in mind that everything is customizable, from different finishes and textures– you just have to ask. Remember, if you don’t see exactly what you are looking for, we can custom build it for you.